The main activities of the Client is the restoration of the most significant architectural properties of the country. Hence the main thesis of the technical task: to emphasize the numerous real achievements and create a kind of interior portfolio that inspires both employees and customers.
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This office is a kind of portfolio: it tells about the achievements of the construction and restoration company.
PROJECT AUTHOR: Sergey Estrin Architectural Studio
ARCHITECTS: Sergey Estrin, Yulia Sheremetyeva, Svetlana Koroleva,
with the participation of Natalia Kuner
PROPERTY: office in Moscow
AREA: 2,826 m2
The space of the business center did not imply a standard office solution.
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On October 10, 2018, a presentation of the new edition “Quality Architecture - 2018” took place in Danilovsky Event Hall, where authors of the best projects of the year were awarded “Golden Trowels”.
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The Client is construction company specialising in restoration of historical buildings and significant architectural monuments.
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